Friday, December 18, 2009

Great album making from AlbumWorks

I've just finished two amazing terms filling in as Teacher Librarian at a great girls' school while the real TL was off on maternity leave and have retired - again! And this time for good. Time to get back into the fun of digi and dusting off my photo stock pile.

My first big project was to make a Christmas present for my daughter. I wanted to make her a photo book about the first 5 years of her son's life. I wasn't looking forward to doing battle with album software, most I had tried in the past were not all that user friendly. But the fates were looking after me and I had an email about Album Works so I gave them a try. Bliss! The album software was intuitive and allowed for lots of customisation. They delivered with blistering speed and the quality was superb.

They are Australian based but they also deliver internationally. Give them a look at:


The Son/Brother said...

You do realise that if she reads your blog Mum that she knows what she is getting as one of her gifts =8)

DustyD said...

Shhhh!!!! Don't tell her!